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Live Your Happy NOW! Conversations to open up and live an authentic, happy and fulfilled life.

Mar 29, 2020

Have you been trying to stay positive in the midst of all the negativity all around? Have you been trying not to be afraid or worried while listening to what is happening around the world?

Tune in to this peaceful and powerful episode where Veronica shares with you a guided meditation to move beyond worry, fear...

Mar 16, 2020

We are all going through unprecedented times. The levels of fear, worry and doubt are consistently increasing. What if you could do something today to find more inspiration, inner peace and ease with everything that is happening in the world?

What if you could tune in to a different frequency that can help you access a...

Mar 12, 2020

It is completely normal to experience fear and anxiety during these challenging times.  Yet, there are simple steps you can take right now to completely change this debilitating vibe.

What would it take for you to choose something different with total ease? Tune in to this powerful episode where Veronica delivers:
