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Live Your Happy NOW! Conversations to open up and live an authentic, happy and fulfilled life.

Mar 29, 2019

Have you ever felt like you are inadequate or not enough? Have you ever punished yourself for being wrong or making a mistake? What if you could choose forgiveness instead? Tune in to this episode, where Spiritual Vixen Maureen Muldoon inspires you to:

*How to get up after falling down?

*Reach deeper into your spirituality and allow yourself to become visible!

*Debunk the illusions of “not-enoughness”

*Discover what is a Course in Miracles and the Holy Moment.

*Start before you are ready!

*Give yourself the gift of peace.

*Connect with this game changing mantra!

*Activate a powerful tool to forgive yourself and the world.

Connect with Maureen

Get Maureen's book: The Spiritual Vixen's Life to an Unapologetic Life

Access her Course of Miracles Community:

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