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Live Your Happy NOW! Conversations to open up and live an authentic, happy and fulfilled life.

Mar 21, 2019

What would it take for you to surrender and trust your inner guidance? What’s stirring up within you as you move through the Spring Equinox in the North or Fall Equinox in the South? Tune into this episode where Shalini Breault shares:

*What is the first step in surrendering and moving in the direction of what’s calling you?

*What is one of the most powerful tools to get a deeper sense of connection?

*How to move from living in your mind to accessing the wisdom of your Soul.

*What it means to make yourself a priority and accept self care.

*How to shift the mindset of giving and receiving.

*3 activities you can enjoy to harness the power of the Spring Equinox and Fall Equinox.

Check out Shalini’s book: Hello Sun Moon and Stars


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